This page will contain information on past initiatives, as an archive for the Living Trust.


2024 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

Name Department Program, Year Project Title
Ivonne Cotorruelo Perez Literatures, Cultures and Languages PhD, 1st (Updated) Unveiling Gender Fluidity: The Queer Lens in Latin American Trans Cinema
Lauren Danielowski Sociology PhD, 2nd Reproductive Rights in the US Commercial Surrogacy Market
Mostafa Dastgheib Psychological Sciences PhD, 1st Gender Identity Stigma toward International Students
Jacqueline Gunning Communication PhD, 2nd Exploring Disengagement from the U.S. Healthcare System by Women with Contested Illness
Constance Holden History PhD, 5th Shaping Belonging: Black Femininity and Self-Fashioning in the Black Argentine Press
Kelani Johnson Sociology MA, 2nd Misgendering and Mental Health among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults
Anh Le English PhD, 2nd The Female Body as Image: Beauty and Objectification in Postcolonial Literature
Madison Malcore Psychological Sciences PhD, 3rd Scale Development for a Measure of Organizational Tolerance for Gender Harassment
Katie Peters Philosophy PhD, 4th Far Right Women and Moral Responsibility
Ruiyi (Meredith) Zhang Psychological Sciences PhD, 1st An Experimental Study of the Neoliberal Feminist Paradigm and its Implications for Gender Identities, Gender Norms and Reproductive Labor


2023 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

Name Department Program, Year Project Title
Davina Barbee Sociology PhD, 3rd Knowledge Production and Mobilization in Transgender Healthcare
Jacqueline Gunning Communication PhD, 1st (Dis)enfranchising Healthcare Experiences of African American, Latina/x, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Multiracial Women with Autoimmune Disease
Carol Ann Jackson Sociology PhD, 8th Crime and Trauma: Policing and Resilience among Black Girls
Darby Lacey English PhD, 5th Medicine in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century American Literature: Caution, Cure, and Care from 1950-2021
San Lee Political Science PhD, 2nd The Importance of Historical and Geographical Conditions to the Recognition of LGBT+ Rights: Comparing the LGBT+ Policies of South Korea and Taiwan
Shelby Masse Sport Management PhD, 5th Women Coaches Experienced Emotional and Invisible Labor: A gendered perspective within sport organizations.
Cindy Pan Public Health Sciences MPH, 2nd Assessing the Impact of Smartphones on the Gender Identity of Adolescent Girls in an Economically Marginalized Urban Community in Mumbai, India
Dunahay Pereyra Sociology PhD, 1st Online Discourses of Disordered Eating in Chronic Illness Spaces
Lauren Perez Bonilla Geography PhD Estudio 809: Male Sex Work and Social Media in the Dominican Republic
Md. Abdullah All Shakil Anthropology PhD, 1st Climate Change Through the Lens of Gender Identity: The Increasing Prevalence of Hysterectomies in The Southern Coast of Bangladesh
Alexandra Stamson Philosophy PhD, 1st Gender-Neutral or Gender-Forward: Considering Women’s Narratives in Popular Media
Kiedra Taylor English PhD, 4th Radical Rage: Black Girlhood and Social Change in Contemporary Young Adult Literature
Alexandria Tomkunas Human Development and Family Sciences PhD, 4th Exploring the Implementation of Equity-Promoting Discipline Practices in Florida Public Schools


2022 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

Name Department Year, Program Project Title
Kathryn Angelica History 4, PhD A Nexus of Nineteenth Century Activism: The Lifelong Struggle of Eight Women Reformers
Rhys Hall Sociology 6, PhD Just a Quarter and a Dream: The making of Black and Brown masculine identities through the American Fighting Game Community
Anastassiya Karaban Economics 3, PhD The Role of Reference Point’s Gender in the Response of Labor Supply to Relative Pay
Samadrita Kuiti English 6, PhD Spacetimes of Hope: Feminist and Queer Utopias in Postcolonial Literatures (1905-present)
Katherine Peters Philosophy 2, PhD The Mutual Construction of Religion, Women’s Rights, and KKK Propaganda: Bishop Alma Bridwell White
Rianka Roy Sociology 3, PhD Unions, Communities and Labor Movements: Women in Tech Organize in India and the U.S.
Davida Schiffer Sociology 5, PhD Gender Reveal Parties: The Construction of Gender Through Everyday Discourse
Kiedra Taylor English 3, PhD Prizing Black Girlhood
Rachel Tucker Department of Communication 1, PhD Sexual health stigma: Applying the critical interpersonal and family communication heuristic to difficulty orgasming AND Contesting experiences of illness: Communicative disenfranchisement in difficult patient-provider conversations about chronic overlapping pain conditions.
Rui Wu Human Development and Family Sciences 1, MA Social Media Blast! Asian-American Women’s Twitter-based Experiences of Covid-19 Anti-Asian Discrimination and Expressions of their Mental Health
Lihong Xie Educational Psychology 4, PhD Teachers’ Perceptions and Implementation of Gendered Practices in Classrooms Developing Computational Thinking
Dongdong Yang Communication 4, PhD Predicting the Stigma of Feminism in China: Entanglement with Nationalism



2021 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

Name Department Year, Program Project Title
Thomas Briggs Political Science / Women’s, Gender and Sexualities Studies 8, PhD Before ‘Bananas, Beaches and Bases:’ Women and Gender in the History of International Relations, 1900-1980
Carol Ann Jackson Sociology 6, PhD By Any Means Necessary: Criminalization, Trauma and Resilience of Black Girls and Boys in an Inner-City Neighborhood
Kaylee Jangula Mootz English 5, PhD “Radical Temporalities: Critiques of Liberal History and Racial Progress in Contemporary Native and African American Literature
Kristen Kirksey Sociology 5, PhD Global Priorities and Local Realities: Gendered Impacts of Development in Ethiopia
Andrea Perez Art and Art History 2, MFA Soft Nature and Odd Flowers: Meditations on Queer Ecology
Katelyn Pitcher Psychological Sciences 2, PhD School-based Discriminatory Victimization of Transgender and Gender Non-binary (T&GN) Youth: Understanding the Social-ecologies of Interpersonal and Institutional Discrimination
Kenia Rodriguez English 2, PhD Latinx, Machismo, and Youth: Using Protagonist Who Write to Empower Latina Youth
Katrina Van Dyke Philosophy 2, PhD Gendered Viewpoints and Objectification: Reconsidering Catharine MacKinnon’s Account of Desire and Power
Katrina Webber Communication Studies 4, PhD Examining Stigma, Resilience, & Social Support Amongst Black Women Experiencing Eating Disorder Symptomology
Xiaoqiao Xu Literatures, Cultures and Languages 4, PhD Female Gazing: Mirrors and Portraits in Chinese Female Plays, 1722-1912
Yan Yan Literatures, Cultures and Languages 7, PhD Chinese Film and Digital Culture in Post-Socialist China
Anna Ziering English 6, PhD Dirty Forms: Masochism and the Revision of Power in Multi-Ethnic U.S. Literature and Culture


2020 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

Name Department Year, Program Project Title
Asmita Aasaavari Sociology 2, PhD Paid Domestic Work in Globalizing Delhi: Narratives of Women Domestic Workers
Shamayeta Bhattacharya Geography 3, PhD SHAKTHI : Studying Healthcare Accessibility among Kothi, Transgender and Hijra Individuals
Carol Gray Political Science PhD Portraits of Dourage: Women Advocating for Human Rights across Cultures
Kaylee Jangula Mootz English 4, PhD Radical Temporalities: Critiques of Liberal History and Racial Progress in Contemporary Native and African American Literature
Kohel Khan Sociology 5, PhD In Between Neoliberal Globalization and Nationalism: The Practices of Indian Classical Dance
Arpita Mandal English 6, PhD Ruptured Belonging: Postcolonial Perspectives on Trauma and Nationalism
Martha Magdalena Pawlowski Art 3, MFA Questioning the Fairytale: Resistance, Loss, and Shields
Kylar Schaad Sociology 2, MA The Impact of Transgender and Non-binary Childhood Narratives on Gender Categorization
Hannah Taylor English 4, PhD Trauma Time and Time Travel: Speculative Temporality in Neo-Slave Narratives
Debra Tomasino Human Development and Family Sciences 2, PhD Drag Expression and How it Interfaces with Dragism, Coping, Resilience, and Generativity
Yan Yan Literatures, Cultures, and Languages 6, PhD The Emergence of Commercial Film in Post-socialist China
Yuan Zhang Human Development and Family Sciences 3, PhD Gender Differences in Parental Behavior and Chinese Adolescents’ Mental Health


2019 Fall Fellow/Mentor Network Tea

All Fellowship Awardees, their advisors and department heads, as well as university administrators, were invited to a networking “tea” during which students gave 2-minute overviews of their research projects, followed by semi-structured conversation/networking and, of course, tea and cookies!


2019 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

Name Department Year/Program Project Title
Samantha Archer Anthropology 2, PhD Exploring Inferences of Gender in Archaeological Contexts Using Ancient DNA
Sarah Bertekap English 3, PhD Staging the Unspeakable and the Queer in The Importance of Being Oscar
Danielle Dumaine History 6, PhD Selling Herself: Diane di Prima, Desire, and Commodity in the Postwar United States
Declan Gilmer Psychological Sciences 2, PhD The Impact of Incivility on Transgender Employee Health
Micah Goodrich English 6, PhD Be Futile and Multiply’: (Re)Production, Desire, and the Body in Medieval Discourses of Nature
Odia Kane Public Health 2, MPH The Denial of Black Victimhood: Examining Attitudes of Sexual Assault and Victim-Blaming on a College Campus
Mollie Kervick English 4, PhD Networks of Nurture in Post-Independence Fiction by Irish Women
Cristina Khan Sociology 6, PhD Undoing Borders: A Feminist Exploration of Erotic Performance
Samadrita Kuiti English 3, PhD Ephemeral Utopias: Queer and Feminist Spaces in Postcolonial Literature
Nicole Lawrence English 4, PhD Living in the Impasse: British Writers and Non-Normative Identities, 1880-1940
Timothy McKay HDFS 3, PhD Gender Identity Disclosure and Multiple Simultaneous Identity Theory
Chriss Sneed Sociology 5, PhD Queer Passages and the Assemblages of Blackness: Black Identity, Social Justice, and Decolonial Possibilities
Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso Literatures, Cultures & Languages 5, PhD Interrogating the Female Gaze: Gender Analysis of Contemporary Spanish Women’s Filmmaking through Film Genre


2018 Grad Summer Fellowship Awardees

 Name Department Year/Program
Olivia Baldwin Art & Art History MFA
Shamayeta Bhattacharya Geography 2, PhD
Kerry Carnahan English 5, PhD
Connor Gallik Psychology 3, PhD
Corey Grantham Psychology 1, PhD
Hailey Greenhalgh Political Science 2, PhD
Caner Hazar Sociology 6, PhD
Gonul Hilal Kuscul HDFS 2, PhD
Samantha Lawrence HDFS 1, PhD
Cynthia Melendez Literature, Cultures & Languages PhD
Jordan Rees Sociology 5, PhD
Christine Rodriguez Nursing 2, DNP