Summer 2025 Grad Fellowship Application Form

Please use this form to submit applications for the Summer 2025 Wood-Raith Gender Identity Fellowships.  Please note that the application upload must include the following:

1) An opening 100-word paragraph that contextualizes past teaching, research, and service activities that are gender-related.

2) Edited 2-page maximum CV, including primarily gender-related activities that pertain to teaching, research, service, and funding (both internal and external).

3) 425-word summary of specific gender identity research projects, written for a broad audience, including:

  1.  a concise overview of the project objectives, aims, and significance/contribution of the work
  2.  a clear description of the methods used for the entire project,
  3.  a list of specific tasks planned during the grant period, and
  4.  a clear statement of relevance to the study of gender identity.

4) 75-word summary of the importance of the funding in accomplishing the goals, highlighting estimated research and living costs, as well as other anticipated summer support (including amount and source).

All application materials must be appended into one pdf document for upload.

Thank you for visiting this page. Unfortunately, applications are no longer being accepted for this fellowship.